Process Church of the Final Judgement

Process Church of the Final Judgment
“The Process Church of the Final Judgment, commonly known as the Process Church, was a religious group established in London in 1966. Its founders were the British couple Mary Ann MacLean and Robert de Grimston and it spread across parts of the United Kingdom and United States during the latter 1960s and 1970s.”
Check out some rare Process material:
The Hierarchy PDF
1.1 The Three Great Gods of the Universe. JEHOVAH – LUCIFER – SATAN. Consciously or unconsciously, apathetically, half-heartedly, enthusiastically or fanatically, under countless other names than those by which we know Them, and under innumerable disguises and descriptions, men have followed the Three Great Gods of the Universe ever since the Creation; each one according to his nature.
The Gods and Their People PDF
1.1 CONSCIOUSLY or unconsciously, apathetically, half-heartedly, enthusiastically or fanatically, under countless other names than those by which we know Them, and under innumerable disguises and descriptions, men have followed the three Great Gods of the Universe ever since the Creation. Each one according to his nature.
Download The Gods and Their People (pdf)
The Gods on Love PDF
1.1 What Are Gods?
1.2 Gods are powers at work in the world, in the universe, in the cosmos.
1.3 They manifest in human beings, in nature, in inanimate objects, in the sea, on the land, in the sky, in space, everywhere and in everything.
1.4 Gods are great powers. They are the sum total of many lesser powers which we call ‘spirits’.
1.5 They act through us and around us. They manifest both the desirable and the undesirable, the good and the bad, the creative and the destructive.
1.6 And human behaviour, like everything else in the world and in the universe, is a manifestation of the work and the power of the Gods.
Download The Gods on Love (pdf)
The Gods on Sex PDF
1.1 Humanity is split four ways.
1.2 The first path is that of the purist, who knows instinctively that sex is a degradation and a humiliation both of himself and of his partner, who finds in it nothing but the most transient of physical pleasures that in no way compensate for the shame and guilt that follow the experience. He knows that the sexual act is a defilement of his purity and a contradiction of his duty.
1.3 Then there is the path of the idealists, of those who feel that their fulfilment is to be found in partnership with another human being, and who strive to attain a state of grace and happiness in union with another human being, and who try to use sex as a physical vehicle and expression of their deepest love and highest aspirations of communion.
Download The Gods on Sex (pdf)
The Gods on Fear PDF
1.1 Fear is the root of man’s destruction of himself. Without Fear there is no blame. Without blame there is no conflict. Without conflict there is no destruction.
1.2 But there IS Fear; deep within the core of every human being it lurks like a monster; dark and intangible. Its outward effects are unmistakable. Its source is hidden.
Download The Gods on Fear (pdf)
The Gods on Death PDF
1.1 Death lies ahead for each one of us. If we fear death then we must also fear life. If we do not accept death, our own death, then we cannot accept life. For death is as much a part of existence as life itself. We are born, we live and we shall die. It is our nature to die.
1.2 Death lies ahead for each one of us. We are at this very moment both living and dying. If we are uneasy about death, our death, then we must, as we live, be uneasy about life, our life.
Download The Gods on Death (pdf)
The Gods on War PDF
1.2 IN the beginning there was WAR. And after, there was WAR. Then WAR again and more WAR. Since man demanded control of his own destiny he has set out ruthlessly to destroy himself.
Download The Gods on War (pdf)