Our Guests page 2

Stewart Swerdlow
A gifted Hyperspace Intuitive, Stewart A. Swerdlow focuses his consciousness beyond time and space to determine foundational mind-patterns upon which people’s life experiences are based. His great-uncle, Yakov Sverdlov, was the first president of the Soviet Union, and his grandfather helped form the Communist Party in the United States in the 1930s. To ensure that his loyalties stayed with the US government, he was “recruited” for specific government mind-control experiments, including 13 years at the Montauk Project, which enhanced his natural abilities.

Lon Strickler
Chicago Mothman expert, fortean Researcher, author, writer at Phantoms and Monsters blog. Co-host at ‘The Existence of Strange Things’ on Radio-Memphis.com. Intuitive, mystic at ‘Astral Perceptions Universal’

Brad Olsen
Brad Olsen is the author of nine books, including two in his Esoteric Series: “Modern Esoteric” and “Future Esoteric.” An award-winning author, public speaker, radio show host of “The Esoteric Circle,” book publisher and event producer, his keynote presentations and interviews have enlightened audiences at Contact in the Desert, Awareness Life Expo, the 5D events and dozens of radio shows (including Coast to Coast, Fade to Black, and Ground Zero) and television shows (including Ancient Aliens, America Unearthed, and Mysteries of the Outdoors).